Buy and Sell motion
Our platform offers a user-friendly and efficient way for verified Sellers to showcase their products to potential buyers. Sellers can provide detailed information such as specifications, visuals, pricing, inventory, credit indications, promotions, offers, loyalty programs, and more, for buyers to easily compare and place orders. Orders are received electronically by Sellers and updated in comprehensive dashboards for both buyers and sellers.
Buyers can easily compare technical and commercial information across multiple brands and sellers, allowing them to make informed purchasing decisions. Once an order is placed, Sellers update order acceptance, shipment, and invoice status accessed in real-time by Buyers. APIs allow Sellers’ ERP to connect with the platform for touch-free transaction flow.

Key Benefits for Sellers
Comprehensive e-commerce.
Share information with partners, instantly.
Wide channel coverage for sales.
Automated reseller support.
Develop loyalty from resellers.
Key Benefits for Buyers
Ease of buying at best possible terms.
Participation in short and long term schemes.
All e-commerce benefits.